Communication Issues at Home – What can you do?
Poor communication: Relationships with parents or guardians aren’t always easy. Things can get particularly difficult as you grow up and start to discover who you are and begin to make your own choices in life. You may not understand everything your parents do, and similarly, they may also struggle to understand you sometimes. Here are […]
Read MoreLiving in a communal setting & homelessness – What can you do?
Living in a communal setting: Every family deserves a home to call their own. This is not a right a large number of families have in Ireland today. Living in a setting with multiple families will put a huge strain on your family. A few tips below may help you cope during this very difficult […]
Read MoreTransitioning to Secondary School – What to do!
Transitioning to Secondary School: Moving from primary to secondary school is a big change. You may be excited and a little bit nervous. New places and new people often make us nervous. There are a few things you can do that makes the move to secondary easier. Key points to remember which you will find […]
Read MoreAdditional Needs? – What to do!
Learning Difficulties: You may find learning difficult if you have a diagnosis of additional needs. This can cause extra stress if you feel like you are not being understood, listened to or not getting extra support. If your learning is causing you stress you can: Contact your school guidance counsellor and explain. There are supports […]
Read MoreUnplanned Pregnancy? – What to do!
Unplanned Pregnancy: The first thing you may be feeling is overwhelming panic and fear. But remember, you do have options and support is out there for you. You can also access advice support here https://www2.hse.ie/services/unplanned-pregnancy-support-services/my-options-freephone-line.html The following questions may help you work out what is the best decision at this time in your life. Think […]
Read MoreBeing abused? – What to do!
Abuse: Abuse comes in various forms but the end result causes pain in a person’s life. Abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional, verbal, or a combination of any or all of these. Abuse can also be neglect, which is when parents or guardians don’t take care of the basic needs of the children who depend […]
Read MoreAnger Management Issues – What to do!
Anger Issues: Anger is a normal human reaction to feeling hurt or frustrated. How we express this emotion is an important skill to learn so anger does not become destructive. Key points to remember which you will find more information on below are : Know the signs You may feel frightened or frustrated that you […]
Eating Disorders An eating disorder a destructive coping mechanism a person has found, that in some way, helps them to feel better able to cope day-to-day. Key points to remember which you will find more information on below are : EATING DISORDERS EFFECT PEOPLE DIFFERENTLY Eating disorders affect behaviors, thoughts, physical well-being and emotions. They […]
Read MoreSexual & Gender Identity
Sexual & Gender Identity Exploring and questioning gender identity can happen at any stage in your life. If this happens in your teen years these feeling may be confusing and you may need help to figure them out. Key points to remember which you will find more information on below are : YOUR SEXUALITY AND […]
Read MoreFriendships and Relationships Problems? – How can it affect you?
Relationships & friendships Forming relationships, either friendships or romantic ones, is an essential part of being a teenager and young adult . Making new friendships, if you start in a new school or go to college, can be a worry for some people if they are not comfortable meeting new people. Everyone has someone they […]
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