Here to Talk!
North West Clare Family Resource Centre
North West Clare Family Resource Centre

Services for people aged 12-24 (older in some cases).
- Counselling
- Youth Shack youth club/cafe
- Friday soccer club
- Clare Youth Action (voluntary group active in community based projects and youth initiatives)
- Traveller teen groups
- Developmental programmes with TYs
- Summer camps with LIT
- Music recording and filmmaking facilities
- Youth Animation and Film Festival at Easter
- Natural Highs outdoor activity programme with 2nd years funded by MWRDAF
- One to One Support
- Online Support, currently with covid restrictions
- Group Support
Counselling can be by referral or self referral , other programmes are voluntary participation, some groups have age restriction but mostly first year up
Most programmes involve permission slips or membership forms
Some are free, others have a small annual membership of €5 and/or weekly subs of a euro or two
How to get in touch
Firstly, do not hesitate to get in touch. Each organisation can be contacted in different ways, whether it be by email, phone or referral by GP or Counsellor for example.
You can find more details below.
Opening Hours:
Mon to Fri from 9am to 4pm