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Moving School?

Not all your friends from primary school may be going to the same secondary school. Make a plan to keep old friendships. You may see each other at sports activities or still hang out at weekends.
New friendships are exciting too and you may feel shy or anxious about having a group to feel part of like you did in primary school.
You may have gone to an open day with your parents to see your new school. Your school may have a website with a virtual tour of the building which you can watch.
The First Year timetable may be confusing as you’ll be moving classes for subjects. Don’t panic, it will take a bit of time to get used to.
Having new subjects such as languages and science may feel daunting at first. If you find homework is becoming stressful talk to your school Guidance Counsellor or Year Head. They are there to help.
Plan out your study time for the week but make sure to have time for fun activities and friends too. Get support from the teen parent support service.