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Are you suffering from Abuse?

Abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional, verbal, or a combination of any or all of these.
Abuse can also be neglect, which is when parents or guardians don't take care of the basic needs of the children who depend on them.
Family violence can affect anyone. Sometimes parents abuse each other, which can be hard for a young person to witness.
Some parents abuse their kids by using physical or verbal cruelty as a way of discipline. Whether it’s your romantic partner or a family member, no one has the right to abuse you in any way.
People who are abused might mistakenly think that it's their fault. Not all abuse is physical, it can be emotional, controlling behaviour, stalking behaviour, cutting you off from family and friends, always putting you down.
If you do not feel safe with your parents/guardians at home and are under 18 years old, you can call your local Tusla social work department for advice and support https://changingfutures.ie/
If you are in an abusive relationship with your partner ( boyfriend or girlfriend), it is very important to seek help from any of these support services:
- www.clarehaven.ie ( Clare Domestic Abuse Service)
- www.adaptservices.ie ( Limerick Domestic Abuse Service)
- www.safeireland.ie ( National support service )